Post Natal - Wishing Well Natural Health Clinic

Wishing Well Natural Health Clinic
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Post Natal

Cranial for all the family
Following the birth of the baby, the pelvis is vulnerable to lasting strains from the forces involved. Some of these strains can have an overwhelming effect on the nervous system. Unresolved, they may contribute to ongoing back problems, period problems, stress incontinence, headaches and more.

Midwives and health visitors often advise that mothers are checked after the birth to help prevent future problems with back pain, abdominal strength, pelvic floor muscles and associated symptoms after birth. Osteopaths can help new mothers cope with a range of these physical stresses including returning to pre-pregnancy weight, appropriate postural advice, exercise to tone up loosened and stretched abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Advice will be given on how to avoid hip, knee and back pain. These problems may occur through adopting bad posture while carrying, changing and bathing the baby.

See Appointments Information for Special Offer ‘Mother & Baby Check up’
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